Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.  Psalm 62:5-8

What is the Compassion Program?

The Compassion Program meets the basic and spiritual needs of the materially poor in Cambodia. Thanks to the staff of Amazing Grace Association, we can distribute rice, clothing, educational supplies/fees, and money to cover medical fees for children and elders in need and, by extension, their families. Through this connection, staff are enabled to share Jesus with unbelieving families, supply a Bible for each home, and provide a connection to the local church with a commitment to relational restoration.

What is the Scholarship Program?

The Scholarship ministry is an exciting and extraordinary opportunity to evangelize and disciple young people for the Lord.  Our scholarship program is reaching out to students living in poverty who could never afford post-secondary school except by a scholarship. The hope of this work is twofold. The first hope is that in the name of Jesus each student will be given a great education that will help to lift their families out of poverty. We believe that in itself can significantly testify to them of the goodness and glory of our Lord. We also hope that many will come to know our Lord Jesus personally during their 4 years at the college.


We are seeking sponsors for our Compassion children/elders and our Scholarship students. 

As a Compassion sponsor, you will supply a monthly donation, pray for your child and/or elder, and write to them as often as you wish. You can feel satisfied that your entire donation is being used to purchase supplies for your child and/or elder as no part of your donation will go towards covering administrative costs. 

As a Scholarship sponsor, you are helping pay for a student’s college tuition, school fees and textbooks, a place to stay in the dorm, the discipleship program of the dorm, and any outreach events to the rest of the student body as these are all done by the dorm. We do believe that through your prayers and partnership in the gospel, these students can find true life. Please know that we are so happy for you to pray for, write to, encourage and support financially our students as much as you are able. 

If you wish to begin sponsoring a child, elder, or student or have additional questions, please use the email button below to initiate the process. This e-mail address ( will also be used for program updates and correspondence to/from your child, elder, or student.

MayBell Developments will accept donations for the Compassion Program specifically through monthly, repeating e-transfers or through a pre-authorized debit agreement. (Please do not use our online donation platform for Compassion Program donations.) You will be issued an annual income tax receipt through MayBell Developments Inc which will be sent in January via Canada Post. 

E-transfer to Please send a follow-up email with your name and address for a tax receipt.

If you prefer to have us debit your bank account on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis click here to download a PDF form and email it to