Written by MayBell Developments – May 31st, 2022
When we mention dwelling, you are likely thinking to yourself of the shelter you are in at this moment. This is only one definition of many. According to Miriam-Webster Dictionary, you can dwell as a resident in a home or a municipality but this can also include anywhere you remain for a time, where you exist, and what you direct your attention towards.
My hope is you aren’t just reading these posts but are considering them through your own lens. With that in mind, I’d like you to think about where you are dwelling. What are your surroundings? Who are you surrounding yourself with? What do you spend your time on? Where do you focus your mind? Are you intentional in these actions and thoughts?
In the New Testament, we find the Greek word “Menō” meaning to continue to be present, to endure, to remain as one, to wait for, to abide in.
I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness. -John 12:46
Jesus came into the world so we would no longer dwell in darkness and sin. When Jesus, the Son of man, was born the world was a very dark place. Sin ran rampant and there were few people who understood God’s Goodness. Jesus brought with Him hope for the future. In the New Testament, we hear many stories of people who are dwelling in darkness. They made the intentional choice to remain in their sin.
Many of the people that lived during the years that Jesus was on the earth did not know they had a choice. For many people that was just the way life was. Today, the majority of people have heard of Jesus and have either made the decision to believe in Him or not. We have all chosen our dwelling place.
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.
-John 14:16-17 (author’s italics)
Those who have chosen to dwell in the light, to remain as one with Jesus, are offered the help of the Holy Spirit who will remain with them forever and will dwell in them and with them. The Holy Spirit is a Helper that can only be received by those who believe in Jesus as the Son of God. The Helper dwells with us and helps us to direct our attention towards the things of Christ.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
-Colossians 3:16
The more we dwell in God’s Word the more we are able to see His creations, the way He has designed each of us, and to love the way He loves. We can dwell in the Word through the reading of Scripture, through the teachings of others, through worship, and through prayer and thankfulness. The importance of this is seen in our outward actions.
Out of the heart flows the words we speak, our treatment of others, and our thoughts and actions. Our hearts are affected by what we put into our bodies; what we see, hear, and feel.
If you’ve ever watched children you have witnessed this first hand. Children are sponges. They absorb everything in their surroundings, good or bad, and almost immediately we see them mimic what they are exposed to. As adults, we like to think we no longer do this but think back to a time when you have become completely immersed in a Netflix show. You’ve dwelt in this show and it feels like it has become a part of you. Can you see how your personality has changed, even in the slightest way, to become more like those characters? Maybe you’ve noticed small changes in yourself when you hang out with a certain group? These are all results of dwelling and allowing your heart to be affected by where you are dwelling.
As we choose to dwell in God’s word more and more we will notice a difference in what is flowing out of our hearts. We choose to remain as one with Jesus and as such become like Him in our actions. We become better servants, we learn to encourage others, and how to truly and deeply love each other.
Be mindful of where you have been dwelling lately and the effect it has been having on your heart. The noise of the world around us will always try to push in and affect us in a negative way but returning regularly to the calming voice of the Lord will rejuvenate our spirits and encourage us to move forward in love.
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.
-John 15:4
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